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Do You Enjoy DIY Projects?

Updated: May 12, 2023

Have you ever wondered how hard it is to learn to reupholster?

Do you have a piece of furniture you’d love to reupholster yourself

if only you knew how to do it?

Have you looked for upholstery training classes but they were

just too far away or too expensive?

Have you looked for online tutorials but ended up with more questions than answers?

Are you a creative person who loves to learn new things?

Have you tryed to finish an upholstery project and are frustrated

from trying to figure it out alone?

Mid Century Chair After upholstery
Mid Century Chair Before upholstery
Mid Century Chair after upholstery
Mid Century Chair before upholstery

DIY Upholstery Lessons

Weekends and weekdays are available in 3 hour time slots​

Go to for more information!

I am offering private one-on-one or one-on-two lessons.

Each lesson will be custom-designed for you, your project and your goals.

Before the lesson we'll talk about your project, what to expect as far as amount of time needed, and what you can do before your lesson.


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