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Is Learning Upholstery Hard?

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

Upholstery, like anything new can be hard but knowing your learning style could be the key to helping you catch on quicker. Do you learn by watching then doing? Do you learn by reading then doing? Are you the type to just jump in with both feet? If you are a problem solver, have an eye for detail, and are good at puzzles, upholstery will probably be a little easier for you to pick up on. However, that doesn’t mean that if those don’t describe you that you can’t learn upholstery. It just might be slightly harder to learn.

Keys to Learning How to Reupholster

  • · Upholstery is a lot about problem-solving

  • · Take photos, take photos and then take more photos

  • · Pay attention to what you find when tearing your piece apart

  • · Your piece is taken apart in the reverse order it was put together

  • · Remember where each layer is attached to the frame

  • · Always have bandages ready

Methods for Learning to Reupholster

1. In-Person Upholstery Lessons

Hands-on teaching is a great way to learn how to upholster for many people starting out. DIY Upholstery Lessons allow you do the work yourself using my tools and taking advantage of my wisdom. I will be there available to answer questions and teach you as you go! I am offering private one-on-one or one-on-two lessons. Each lesson will be custom-designed for you, your project and your goals.

2. Reading Books

Sometimes people like to read all that they can about a subject before ever starting. Then when you actually start you feel more confident even if you don’t have all details at first. I can recommend anything written by Steve Cone he was true craftsman and a great teacher!

How-to books can be filled with pictures explaining each step but you may not be able to understand everything until you try it yourself. Certain things just don’t make sense until you try it.

3. Watching Videos

Watching videos can be the best of both worlds. However, when choosing your videos make sure that the author is a professional upholsterer. For example, I watched a video that recommended removing staples with a butter knife. I wouldn’t recommend it! It can also be difficult to find videos that give enough detail to “do the job right”.

With that said taking a piece apart and putting it back together again the same way is a great way to learn. However, you DON’T have to do things exactly the same way the last person did it. There is always more than one way to do things, usually several. If a certain way works for you, then do that! There is no right or wrong way!

You can’t do one upholstery project and expect to know all there is to know about upholstery or get everything right. Most likely you will look at your finished projects, for a while, and think of a few things you would do differently the next time. It can take years and hundreds of projects to really feel like you know the ins and outs of upholstering or to be considered an expert. So don’t get discouraged if upholstery still feels hard after your first project. The important thing is that you are trying and learning new skills that will help you on your next project. Start with beginner-level projects and do as many as you can get your hands on. Repetition will help you retain what you’re learning and build confidence along the way. Once you’ve decided on your first project contact us. We can get you scheduled for your first DIY Upholstery Lesson.


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